Monday, April 9, 2007

back to living in the thirties

The Micky John referred to in the last intry. was the same Micky interviewed by Farleu Mowat and Harold Harwwod in the late forties.They said after Micky told them tales that no white man had ener heard before.Steve married Mary willcott of Morrisville they had a large family.Pius.
Myrtle.Bill. Alex.Ron.Gordon.Howard. Mike. Cathrine. Louis. Mary his wife already had a son Donald. Now residing in Swangers Cive.Don's surnam was Mc'Cain. fathered by a man Named Bill Mc'Cain of sydney n.s When Steve Lived with Micky he had a little shop he used to sell a few things.I remember going to see him one time around 1925 or 26 he opened a can of beans for our lunch a real treat. Boy I thought it was the most foul tasting food I ever ate.he also had small place just up above Uncle Joe Jeddores I'm not sure but I think it was Uncle Noel Louise's old house. I went in one time he was draining out his bear keg to put up another batch. He drained off about half a glass passing it to me saying have a drink of ego shot gight up at the mention of beer. I drank it thought no more about it until that evening when Steve came to our house as he often did. When he saw me he said.What ? not drunk yet? I went in under the steps and started to strike the wall with my fists as I thought all drunks was supposed to do. Steve heard me My God he said he just got drunk. did he ever laugh at that.

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