Friday, March 9, 2007

continuing furring trip 1931

We continued down a gradual slope passing to the right of the jeddores big wigwam crossing the east end of gulp lake this was a fair size brook shallow enough to cross with skinboots on wothout getting our feet wet.we headed on up serpentine ridge beautiful place. on our right was a very high sort of tolt at the top rocks was piled up about four or five feet high you could see this hill from miles away Pop always called it mount cormac. there is some confusion about this the joe family says mount cormac is over on true hill. I must check thie out on a map. as I mentioned before the asbestos field is close by.on the other side of the ridge was our home telt this is where we were headed for. we got there just after dinner we had lunch and prepaired for the next morning. now we will head out on a round to check our gearthe bear fat was nice and hard not messy. to make bear fat hard add deer fat to it when rendering it out. that night we mand enough pancakes to last the day. pop gouged out some bear fat to take with us wrapped it in thin birch bark kept it out doors in the cold packed some dried venison [dry meat in use of words] the next morning after breakfast we left. I mentioned about reading my tea leaves there formed in the leaves was a fox in a trap I mentioned it tp pop he said you have a fox trap on our trail we will see. I forgot about it right away. We left early headed north east for crow brook passing by deers home on our right. many years before hundreds of deer used to gather there so they called it deers home from then we passed pop said at the other end of the marsh ahead is where you have your fox trap. I got right anxious felt like running ahead but did not. when we got to where my trap was the gress was all torn and scratched no trap was there where I had it it was way off to one side with a foxe's front paw in it. god was I disappointed. pop said if only we had got here a day sooned we would have got that fox. it was then I thought about my tea leaves from then on I never missed reading my tea leaves so did every one else. we set the trap again and headed onward. we did not get any furs so far. we reached crow brook dinner time we had dinner pop said no sense we lying around all eveniong we may as well head for john louis-ek we started out again checking snares and traps but we caught nothing very disappointing.about half ways to j-l-ek we were looking down from a barren ground ridge I saw what I thought was a black burned stump . I tensed and looked I laughed ans said to pop I thought that stump was a black fox. just then he jumped in the air and took off. pops aid you did see a fox. I fely sad again I was thinking if only I had spotted it before we might have shot that one.we headed on again checking gear with the same results. we reached j-l-ek late in the evening this was a large log cabin used as home telt by grand father noel and his brothers many years before in the early ninteen hundreds.there were lots of relic's of the past here I used to admire them a beaver bone broked in a match of strength a goose wing bone broken the same way. an empty 30-30 shell case a bear trap big old boiler an old snowshoe many others all relic's of the past. there was a bullet hole above the door where uncle denny fired at a blue fly. I could hardly wait for supper we were going to have pancaked and bear fat which I loved. pop used to give me a chunl almost the size of a tea cup I would chump off a piece bear fat and a piece of pancake it was delicious. pop said we might stay there the next day because he had to check his gear out toward fox ridge and it might be awhile before hegot back I did not mind that because I really liked this place.

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