Thursday, March 15, 2007

continuing our furring trip 1931

In my last installment I forgot to mention one thing when we went to island pond I said we stopped at a nice steady on a point to have a lunch and how careful pop was in putting out the fire. we on our way back the next day it was a nice calm day as we came yo a rise looking down towards gulp lake there was blue smoke rising from where we lunched pop said who in hell got a fire down there this morning ? we walked on down towards the smoke I was expecting a fight because pop would need a good explaination from anyone encroaching on his territory. as we got near the smoke was still rising we got to where we had lunch there was nobody there but the whols piont was burned away in another couple hours the fire would have reached more dense brush ans would spread rapidely this could have been a problem. but as it did we got there in time. Pop made good and sure the fire was out this time.
Now for the final round to check our gear before we go home.-as I said food was getting scarce we took all we just left enough to last us till we get home using it spareingly. we headed out on the trail checking gear as we went sad to say we still got no furs, we followed the same route as before staying the same places plodding on each day from daylight to dawn only this time we did not stop at crow brook but went direct to john lewiek. we stayed two days at john lewiek this is where we ran out of food we just had enough for breakfast. now we started to move faster we got to slide hang up by noon we always stay here overnight but this time we had dinner it was just fried meat nothing else this would take it's tole on me. we still got no furs. pop was kind of nervous he said we better head for tweg-on-geegh. we left it was around three o'clock in the evening I started to lag. I remember a place called joe brazils going around a pond I started to bawl I can Imagen now 8 years old on foot walking mile after mile all day with no food I was carrying my own little bundle my blanket my mug pair socke other little things as I was bawling pop said I take your bundle you carry this he had half a bren bag cut off a strap on it with two fox snares it it. about half pound. he put this on my back.Still I bawled after a little while pop said I take this too you just keep up. the sun was going down pop said it is not much further to out telt. it came dark but still no telt at last pop said you see that droke thats where our telt is. we trudged along the droke seemed to get further and further away I felt like lying down but pop kept encouraging me on. Pop use to say not much further when we get ther we will have food. I thought more fried meat. but a good rest would do me now I had resigned myself to just walk along with my head down. as we came into the droke I could see the well worn path that lead to out cabin. I felt so good when we got there after getting the fire going pop took a dutch over we call it bake pot in this on our last trip for just this purpose he had stowed some flour a little tea some bear fat in a short time we had supper fit for a king. we still had ssome for the next morning. so on this morning we started out early again for home telt we got no more furs this would be a very lean trip.such as the furriers life.when I the food was short I meant cevilized food we had dry meat and bear fat but I could not live on this for any length of time.
We got back to home telt the next morning we would leave for home if the weather was good but it was already getting cloudy looks like bad weather, that evening while enjoying some dried meat cutting off pieces while cutting the meat I formed a horse's head out of the meat so I cut eyes into it and shaped ears I thought it looked good so I showed it to pop . pop not one for loosing his temper mut he got mad with me said I was playing with food uncle charley put his two cents worth in said peter you should give him a hideing [meaning whopping]I chewed up my horse and remained quite for the rest of the evening,

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