Monday, February 19, 2007

continuing furring trip 1931

when we got to the wigwam I started to pick boughs for our bunks. Uncle Charley went to cut some wood Pop said he would go back to make another trip with most of what was left under the canoe. when I had finished boughing the bunks I made a fire in the middle of the wigwam there was no floor just some small rocks for a fire place. as the fir started to burn the Spiders started to come down on their webs in the hundreds big ans small. I beated it out doors but when Pop and uncle charley got in the wigwam they didn't mind the spiders. as the big spiders crawled over them they would just pick them up and throw them in the fire. so I lost my fear of them. but that fall when I came home there was a big spider on the bed mom screamed I went in right biggery took up the spider to carry it out it wriggled I hung onto his leg he opened up something like a big set of pliers on his head and clamped on my thumb I screamed and shook it off never touched one since.. In a couple of hours the spiders had all settled down. but that night now and again one would crawl over your face. this would happed every time we went to another wigwam.By the time Pop got backsupper was ready we were in for the night. Pop said tomarrow [ I forgot to add in the last chapter when pop shot the stag by the pond he all so took the skin and shaved the fur off where we put up the canoe. this would be for skinboots but it was not a well seasoned skin we would have to wait for mid october or november to get well seasoned skins for out skinboots they would not leak like earlier skins] So the next morning Pop went out for our first and only big caribou hunt for the fall this is when he would shoot as many as four or five big stags to get enough fat for the fall because after that they would be all rutty and poor. he wouild also shoot a doe or two they would be fat also Pop was an expert on knowing fat deer just by looking at them. this doe meat we would dry for the fall. when it was dried you could eat it raw it was really good. it was good boiled also but we mostly ate it raw as we travelled. That evening I waited for pop the sun went down still he did not show up it came dark still no pop. ten o'oclock still he did not come twelve o'clock still he did not come I used to poke my head out onder the covering of the wigwam door and listen . Uncle charley used to say dont worry I've known him to be late many times he's o.k. but still I could not rest one o'clock in the morning I poked my head out again I thought I heard a rustle way back at the end of the droke I listened sure enough I could hear his walking stick striking the windfalls pop had a habit of hitting a tree or windfall. with his walking stick which he carried all the time. I went in and lay down on the bunk and waited I could hear his footsteps now as he got by the door he threw down his load I heard it hit the ground like a thump on the hard groung a sould I would always wait for in all the years after that. a sound I loved to hear I knew we would eat when I heard it. He had shot Five stags and two does he han all the fat from the stags we hung it up all around the wigwam to dry off it would keep all the fall when dried. Now he said tomarrow morning we go to work. We will bring all the meat back to the wigwam and the skins. The skins he would shave some he would tan some he would dry . perhaps for racquets [snowshoes] later in the winter.

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