I speared my first Eel at the young age of 7 years old, but I was on the water even before then, I remember myself my older brother and two cousins out on what we call the shoals poleing around in a dory we could never see an Eel, Father used to pole by us in another dory. I could hear him now saying theres another one he would slowly let his spear down then with a quick stab bring up an Eel. We could never understand this but we learned quickly because there never was a calm day go by that we were not off there poling around or drifting on calm nights with a birch bark torch stuck in the bow of the dory, One thing I would like to make very clear anything you read here is written by someone with no formal education when I left school I could barely read and write,Winter Eeel spearing was another part of our culture, [see memoirs]
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