Friday, February 9, 2007

to continue my first fall furring[trapping]

This was our mattress. Pop would cut the camp sticks[ tent poles]Uncle Charley would cook supper and get a bit of firewood. We lived good on the way in hard bread fat back [pork in our language]enery evening we had this till it was all gone . this was the last evening we would have this. Indians are like that eat everything while it lasted.Pop always said eat what we got till it's all gone then pend[depend on me gun.we had to for our luxueies from the on. Uncle Noel Louis camped side by side. to share some of our fire. that is until the next night for this he had his own selfish rerason.By the side of our camp was a great big pine tree broke off at the top. I was looking up at it when Pop said up there is a ducks nest. One spring I climed up there to get some eggs these birds lay about fifteen or sixteen eggs I figure they could spare half dozen. This I took with grain of salt. but many years I had reason to believe he could be telling the truth.

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