Friday, February 16, 2007

first furring trip 1931 jnj

Pop fell asleep or pretended to later that evening he said I think I will cut camp sticks[ tent poles] just in case we need them. how right he was. we had enough meat cooked to last us for a week or more the three geese. that night the stars were real bright I remember Pop saying the stars are some bright as aunt betsy would say the starnges are bright. by and by I fell sound asleep. I awoke about two a.m. with a start somebody was rushing around I uncovered my head was met by great big rain drops splashing on my face.pop and uncle charley was jumping around putting up the camp. after the camp was up we lay inside listening to the rain beating on the canvas tent. all the sleep was gone now. some hours later we fell asleep the next morning the sun was shining again. we did not get up very early lazed a bit the groung was wet so pop made a small fire by eight o'clock we were up having breakfast. there was no wind so we made no rush to leave Indians always have plenty time. but they move fast when thay have to.around tem thirty we left Indian sit down pond was about three miles long I believe. just before we got to our landing pop said theres a nice buck feeding on the barren groyung there . Ilooked and saw a big stag. pop said paddle ashore we did he took his gun and went over where the stag was while we waited there. shortly after we hear a shot I saw the stag run toward the pond pop looked at him I was wishing he would fire at him again because I was sure he was getting away. Pop just stood there as I was looking the stag stopped I thought now he's going to fire. but he didn't the stag just staggered and fell down we paddled over to where he was pop walked down the barren ground to where the stag was first thing pop did was run his fingers across the stags lips and smell it yep he said he started but not too bad yet. pop aunched the stag he was real fatwe would have grease for awhile to fry our meat and pancakes in. there was a little rutted smell on it but that didn't bother us.pop skinned the shanks off this wouild be his footwear because he did the most walking. he skinned out some marrow bones made a fire and we had roast marrow for lunch. pop cut off all the fat we took that with us . we didn't take much meat because we had a little left from the doe he shot at muddy steady. anyway if after we did need meat it was only about six or seven miles from our main wigwam. after this was done we had to put a little rush on because our wigwam was abut two hours walk from where we put up our canoe for the fall.we packed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamost of out stuff under the canoe took a light load and headed for the wigwan. this was called aus-too beeg. in Micmac. I never did thing of asking pop what the word meant. and none of the nova scotia Micmacs know what it means either.

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