Friday, February 16, 2007

my first furring trip 1931. jnj

about another half mile we came to the landing this would be our last portage going init was more then half a mile over to Indian sit down pond. now called by non natives sit down pond. again we know better. when coming out looking east at avery high hill theres a rock formation like someone sitting down so our people named it Indian sit down pond. we portaged out supplies over again father making three trips the lastr one for the canoe. It was really hot while pop was bringing the rest over Uncle cxharley started to cook something to eat.this was late in the afternoon. I was so hot I waded out in the water. to cool off pop taid dont stand too long in one place because a leach will probabely stick on your foot. I did not believe him because I could not see any.when he had everything over he was having something to eat. I saw four geese flying low to the water coming toward us. they went into a cove not to far away fromus. Pop took his gun said I go and see if I can get one for supper. he left in about ten minutes we heard a shot. as I was looking to where he went I saw two geese rising over the trees. as I looked away I heard another shot I thought he must finished off a cripple. I looked agaiin for the two geese there was only one flying away. I did not relize at the moment what it meant. but when Pop came he had three geese over his was then I relized what the last shot and the single goose meant. We started to pick the geese I coild not do much so pop and uncle charley picked and cleaned them.I told pop theres no leaches in the pond because I did not see any. He cut of a goose leg told me to get in the canoe put the leg in the water and watch ity sure enough in about four seconds the leaches were hong on the leg everywhere. we always have a big boats kettle with us so we put a goose and half and cooked it in salt did it with what was left had it all cooked. we had our supperlay back got lazy Pop said tonight we sleep under the stars I'm not going to put up the camp .

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